Hiring a San Francisco/Bay area Architect vs a “pretender”Hafsa Burt2014-05-15T16:51:42-04:00July 31st, 2012|Architects, Architecture, Architectures, Bay Area, Design, environment, Green Building, Indoor Air Quality, Interior Design, Interiors, Planning, Uncategorized|
San Francisco Architect’s Cultural crusade through IstanbulHafsa Burt2014-05-15T17:02:49-04:00December 27th, 2011|Architects, Architecture, Bay Area, bay area architects, Design, energy auditing and modeling, environment, Indoor Air Quality, Interior Design, leed and calgreen commissioning, leed documentation and certification in the bay area, oakland architects, Planning, san francisco architect, san Francisco architects, sustainability consulting, Uncategorized|
Castro Valley Rotary’s Christmas with ChildrenHafsa Burt2014-03-24T14:22:41-04:00December 27th, 2011|Uncategorized|
San Francisco Architects’ horror on landfills continues w/ BioreactorsHafsa Burt2014-05-15T17:08:51-04:00December 1st, 2011|Architects, Architecture, Bay Area, Design, environment, Green Building, Indoor Air Quality, Interior Design, Interiors, nature, Uncategorized|
San Francisco Architects’ horror on the reality of Landfills.Hafsa Burt2014-05-15T17:11:22-04:00November 16th, 2011|Architects, Architecture, Bay Area, Design, environment, Green Building, Indoor Air Quality, Interior Design, Interiors, nature, Planning, Uncategorized|
Real Estate Forecast and Trends for San Francisco ArchitectsHafsa Burt2014-05-20T20:58:54-04:00October 29th, 2011|Architecture, Bay Area, Design, Green Building, Indoor Air Quality, Interior Design, Planning, Uncategorized|
Lessons from Empire State Building for San Francisco Architects.Hafsa Burt2014-05-15T17:20:40-04:00October 17th, 2011|Architects, Architecture, Architectures, Design, Green Building, Indoor Air Quality, Interior Design, Planning, Uncategorized|
San Francisco Architects’ perspective on Mold & your health.Hafsa Burt2014-05-15T17:24:06-04:00October 11th, 2011|Architects, Architecture, Bay Area, Design, environment, Green Building, Indoor Air Quality, Interior Design, Interiors, nature, Planning, Uncategorized|
A snap shot of Seventh Step Foundation by their ArchitectHafsa Burt2014-05-15T19:39:15-04:00September 8th, 2011|Architecture, Bay Area, Interior Design, Interiors, nature, Uncategorized|
VOCs on the Paint Label, a guide for San Francisco ArchitectsHafsa Burt2014-05-15T19:45:21-04:00August 25th, 2011|Architects, Architecture, Architectures, Bay Area, Design, environment, Green Building, Indoor Air Quality, Interior Design, Interiors, nature, Planning, Uncategorized|